Last updated: 01 December 2022
Ref: c09c599e-6a8f-48f2-8938-2ac016b9d34d
1. Liqvid PTE. LTD ("the Company") recognizes the importance of promoting ethical conduct and creating a culture of transparency and accountability. The Company encourages employees, contractors, and stakeholders to report any suspected violations of laws, regulations, policies, or procedures, including any concerns related to financial or accounting practices, human resources, environmental, health and safety, and ethical behavior.
2. The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework for the reporting, investigation, and resolution of potential violations of laws, regulations, policies, or procedures by providing a confidential and anonymous reporting channel, without fear of retaliation or retribution. This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and stakeholders of the Company.
Reporting Channel
3. The Company has established a Whistleblower Hotline to receive reports of potential violations. Reports can be submitted through the following channels:
Mail reporting: A dedicated mailing address is available for whistleblowers to send their reports by mail on dedicated address:
All reports will be handled in a confidential and sensitive manner. Whistleblowers are encouraged to provide as much detail as possible to facilitate the investigation.
Protection from Retaliation
4. The Company prohibits retaliation against whistleblowers who report potential violations in good faith. Retaliation includes but is not limited to termination, demotion, suspension, harassment, or any adverse action that could discourage or deter the reporting of potential violations.
If an employee, contractor, or stakeholder believes that they have been retaliated against for reporting a potential violation, they should immediately report the incident to the Human Resources department, which will investigate the claim and take appropriate corrective action.
Investigation and Follow-Up
5. All reports of potential violations will be promptly investigated by the appropriate department or an appointed designee. The investigation will be conducted in a fair, objective, and thorough manner, and all parties involved will be treated with respect and dignity.
The Company will provide regular updates on the status of the investigation to the whistleblower, to the extent possible without compromising the investigation. After the investigation is complete, the Company will take appropriate action to address any confirmed violations and prevent future occurrences.
Retention of Records
Identification and Assessment:
6. All reports of potential violations and investigation records will be retained in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, including data privacy laws.
Policy Review
7. This policy will be reviewed periodically by the Company's management to ensure that it remains effective and consistent with applicable laws and regulations.
8. The Company is committed to promoting a culture of transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior. The Whistleblower Policy and Hotline provides employees, contractors, and stakeholders with a confidential and anonymous channel to report potential violations and supports the Company's commitment to integrity and compliance with laws, regulations, policies, and procedures.
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