Last updated: 01 December 2022
Ref: c58419bb-5339-4493-8f70-b2b4e91eb37b
1. Liqvid PTE. LTD recognizes that the protection of our information assets is critical to our success as a company. Employees are one of the most important lines of defense against security threats, and it is essential that all employees have a basic understanding of the security risks they face and the steps they can take to mitigate those risks.
2. The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for implementing an effective employee security awareness program.
3. This policy applies to all employees of Liqvid PTE. LTD.
4. Liqvid PTE. LTD will provide a security awareness training program for all employees to ensure they are aware of their security responsibilities and the measures that they can take to protect our information assets. The security awareness training program will cover the following areas:
4.1 Information Security Policy
All employees must be aware of the company's information security policy, its purpose and their role in complying with it.
4.2 Security Threats and Risks
Employees must be aware of the various security threats that the company faces, such as malware, social engineering, and phishing attacks, and the risks that these threats pose.
4.3 Security Controls
Employees must be aware of the security controls that are in place to protect the company's information assets, such as access controls, encryption, and firewalls.
4.4 Incident Response
Employees must be aware of the incident response procedures that the company has in place, including how to report security incidents and their role in responding to them.
4.5 Acceptable Use
Employees must be aware of the acceptable use of company resources, including email, internet access, and social media, and the consequences of violating company policy.
4.6 Physical Security
Employees must be aware of the physical security measures in place to protect the company's information assets, including access controls, alarms, and CCTV.
Training Program
5. The security awareness training program will consist of the following elements:
5.1 Initial Training
All new employees will receive security awareness training as part of their induction process.
5.2 Annual Refresher Training
All employees will receive annual refresher training to ensure that they are up-to-date with the latest security threats and risks.
5.3 Specialized Training
Employees who have specific security responsibilities, such as system administrators or data custodians, will receive specialized training to ensure that they are fully equipped to perform their duties.
5.4 Testing
Employees will be periodically tested to ensure that they have understood the training and are applying it correctly.
6. The Information Security Manager is responsible for implementing and maintaining the employee security awareness program. Information about the current Information Security Manager in the company, as well as his contact details, is available in the Information Security Policy of the company.
7. Any employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
8. This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to ensure that it remains effective and relevant to the needs of the company.
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